Current Events
In August of 2024 the 10th Edition Newsletter was mailed to residents within the potentially eligible contour. If you have not received your copy, please contact our Project Manager, Penny Merritt at (847) 947-8392. She can either email or mail you a copy. We are working on our next newsletter to be distributed in early 2025.
Phase 1 (17 Single-Family Properties)
- Construction was completed in April of 2024.
Phase 2 (23 Single-Family Properties; 7 Multi-Family Condos)
- As a result of the noise testing conducted in December of 2023 all properties qualify for sound insulation treatments.
- Design visits were completed April/May of 2024.
- Construction bids were received in December of 2024.
- Construction is anticipated to begin mid-Spring 2025.
Additional noise testing is anticipated for 2025. To date, we do not have a confirmed schedule for that testing.
If you have any questions, or would like additional information regarding the program, please feel free to contact Penny Merritt at the number listed above.