Noise Abatement
Chicago Executive Airport recommends you use the following noise abatement procedures.
Runway 12/30 is preferred for operation between 2200-0600L.
Please remember we have noise sensitive neighbors to the north and south of airport.
Maintenance Runs
No turbine engine runs between the hours of 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. local time all week.
Maintenance runs in the Runway 16 Hold Pad and surrounding area are strictly prohibited. If you are awaiting take off, please align aircraft at 315 degrees while waiting for clearance.
Preferred maintenance run areas:
1. Taxiway Charlie: Abeam the tower: exhaust facing toward the center of the Airport.
2. Runway 34 Hold Pad: Please align aircraft at 190 degrees while waiting for takeoff or conducting engine run ups.
If you have any questions, please send an email to [email protected].
Runway 16
When departing runway 16, please use NBAA Standard Departure Procedure.
- Climb at maximum practical rate at V2+20 Knots indicated airspeed (KIAS) to 1,000 feet above field level (AFL) with take off flap setting./li>
- At 1,000 feet AFL, accelerate to final segment speed (Vfs) and retract flaps. Reduce to a quiet climb power setting while maintaining 1,000 FPM maximum climb rate and airspeed not to exceed 190 KIAS until reaching 3,000 feet AFL. If ATC requires level off prior to reaching 3,000 feet AFL, power must be reduced so as not to exceed 190 KIAS until at or above 3,000 feet AFL. (Note: It is recognized that aircraft performance will differ with aircraft type and takeoff conditions; therefore, the aircraft operator must have the latitude to determine whether takeoff thrust should be reduced prior to, during, or after flap retraction.)/li>
- At 3,000 feet AFL and above, resume normal climb schedule with gradual application of climb power.
Observe all airspeed limitations and ATC instructions.

Note: When holding at the 16 PAD please align your A/C to a Heading of 315 degrees while waiting for take offs for noise abatement. No maintenance engine run-ups from 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.
Runway 34, 30, 12
When departing runways 34, 30 and 12, please use NBAA Close-In Departure Procedure.
- Climb at maximum practical rate at V2+20 KIAS to 500 feel AFL with takeoff flap setting.
- At 500 feet AFL, reduce to a quiet climb power setting while maintaining 1,000 FPM maximum climb rate and V2+20 KIAS until reaching 1,000 feet AFL.
- At 1,000 feet AFL, accelerate to final segment speed (Vfs) and retract flaps. Maintain quiet climb power, 1,000 FPM climb rate and air speed not to exceed 190 KIAS until reaching 3,000 feet AFL. If ATC required level off prior to reaching 3,000 feet AFL, power must be reduced so as not to exceed 190 KIAS. (Note: It is recognized that aircraft performance will differ with aircraft type and takeoff conditions; therefore, the aircraft operator must have the latitude to determine whether takeoff thrust should be reduced prior to, during, or after flap retraction. Also, aircraft in excess of 75,000 lbs. GTOW operating under FAR, Part 121, Part 125, or Part 135 may not be permitted to comply with this procedure.)
- At 3,000 feet AFL and above, resume normal climb schedule with gradual application of climb power.
Observe all airspeed limitations and ATC instructions.

Note: When holding at the 34 PAD please align your A/C to a Heading of 190 degrees while waiting for take offs for noise abatement. No maintenance engine run-ups from 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.